every order comes with a free pink boing sticker :3 !!!
every order comes with a free pink boing sticker :3 !!!


hello :)

i am jellee! aka jelleebun; these days i primarily focus on pixel art of things i find cute!

as you might be able to tell, i enjoy casually playing games and watching anime. i also stream as a vtuber hehe~

offline, i like learning about plants and gardening (i may not be great at it but i do my best): my current 'pets' include a small lemon tree, garden rose bonsai, pachira, mint, sunflowers, goldish flower plant, and of course a handful (or several large handfuls) of various succulents!


thanks for stopping by and checking out my lil shop; your interest is much appreciated!


check out my links to everything else here! -> jelleebun

psssssst ☺️

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